All heat pumps are equipped with emergency heat switches. This switch is meant to be managed as its name implies—if there is an emergency. The emergency heat switch will turn on a strip, or strips, of electric heat and turn off your heat pump. When the temperature outside dips below 40 degrees, many Los Angeles residents will flip the switch in order to heat their homes up. While this will do the job, we don’t advise doing this. When your system operates in this emergency mode, it can use a lot of energy and send your energy bills skyrocketing.

AZ Air Conditioning and Heating suggests only flipping on your emergency heat switch if your heat pump has stopped heating your house. When it’s cooler outside and it feels like your heat pump is constantly running, let it do its job. It’s actually much more efficient to let your heat pump run that it would be if your heat pump is operating in its emergency mode.

If it seems that your heat pump isn’t keeping up with the cooler weather in Los Angeles, it’s wise to give AZ Air Conditioning and Heating a call. Investing in a backup heating system may save you some expense in the long run. We can install your backup system to work like a dream with your heat pump. So, when it’s so cold that your heat pump can’t pull warmer air into your home, your thermostat can automatically switch on your backup heating system. This method will keep your home cozy and warm on chilly days—and you can save your emergency heat switch for real heating emergencies.

If you want to learn more about ways you can supplement your heat pump’s heat supply or find out more about how your heat pump operates, call our experts at 800-296-5088. We’ll be happy to help. If it’s more convenient for you, you can also book an appointment with us online using our handy scheduler.